To get started with GIS-Knoppix immediately:
  • Put this CD into the CD drive.
  • Make sure the BIOS is set up to boot from CD (before the hard disk)
  • Restart your computer.
GIS-Knoppix is a bootable Linux distribution with pre-installed GIS software like:
  • UMN MapServer
  • PostGIS
It is based on Knoppix [DE]  [EN]

  • Open the GIS folder on desktop

  • Using TerraView with MySQL database
    Start TerraView
    Choose "Open Database..." in File Menu
    Complete the following fields:
    Operation: Create (only the first time, thereafter Connect)
    Database Type: MySQL
    Host: localhost
    Port: 3306
    User: root
    Database Name: terraview
    Choose "Import..." in File Menu and select under
    a shape file

  • Using MapDesk
    Start MapDesk
    Choose "Open..." in menu Files
    Change to the directory

    Double click on 'demo.map'
    Choose "Nebeneinander" in Window Menu
    Edit the source file and choose refresh in Map menu
    To access the help: click on an attribute and click F1

  • Create a Postgres DB
    Open a shell (konsole) to execute following commands

    1. change to user 'postgres':
      # su postgres
    2. create a new Postgres user:
      # createuser -a -d knoppix
    3. change to the 'normal' user:
      # exit
    4. create a Postgres DB:
      # createdb geodb
  • Add PostGIS functionalities to the Postgres DB
    Open a shell (konsole) to execute following commands

    1. define a new procedurale language for the Postgres DB:
      # /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/createlang plpgsql geodb
    2. add the PostGIS tables:
      # zcat /usr/share/doc/postgis/postgis.sql.gz | psql -d geodb  
  • To import Shape Files in the PostGIS DB
    Open a shell (konsole) to execute following commands

    1. move to the GIS-data path:
      # cd ~/gisdata/itasca/data
    2. import Shape Files directly:
      # /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/shp2pgsql lakespy2.shp lake geodb | psql -d geodb
  • Using QGis with the PostGIS DB
    Make possible to connect to the PostGIS DB, set a password of the knoppix user:
    # sudo passwd knoppix
    Start QGis
    Layer / Add PostGIS layer
    Connections / New
    Name: localhost
    Host: localhost
    Database: geodb
    Username: knoppix
    Password: [your password]
Author: Pirmin Kalberer, Last Change:   2005/04/04 10:59:37