deegree 2

After more than 5 years of ongoing development, the deegree project is the most extensive implementation of OGC/ISO standards in the field of Free Software. deegree evolved from the project JaGo and has been published under the terms of the Lesser GNU Public License (L-GPL) of the Free Software Foundation. Widespread improvements of the architecture, enhancements of the object model and the support of Java 5 guided to deegree to the second major release. In deegree2, there are OGC WebServices for Web Map Service (WMS) 1.1.1, Web Feature Service (WFS) 1.1.0, Web Coverage Service (WCS) 1.0.0 and Catalogue Service Web-Profile (CSW) 2.0.0 available. WMS and WCS are the official reference implementations of the Open Geospatial Consortium; WFS and CSW are fully transactional. CSW supports ISO19115/ISO19119 Application Profile and DE-Profile 1.0.1. Furthermore, there are implementations of the OGC pre-standards of Sensor Observation Service (SOS), Web Terrain Service / Web Perspective and View Service (WTS/WPVS) as well as Web Processing Service (WPS). The security package contains a user and rights management system, owsProxy as a security facade of OGC Web Services and Web Authentication (WAS) and Web Security Service (WSS) definied in Spatial Data Infrastructure of NRW. deegree iGeoPortal standard and portlet edition are the browser-based clients for the mentioned OGC WebServices. deeJUMP provides a SDI-enabled Desktop-GIS. Besides the improvements of the architecture and the development process (e.g. automatic builds) the following are also important changes for users: * Simplified installation and configuration * Tool-based configuration (for WFS and WCS) * Support of GML 3.1 with a complex Feature Model and 3D-geometries * Support of PostGIS 1.0 and Oracle spatial/locator (9i/10g) * Advanced capabilities for object-relational mappings in the WFS * Multiple data sources for WMS layers * Dynamic rendering rules within SLD * High-quality and large-size print outputs through Web Map Print Service (WMPS)

deegree OGC Web Services - the Server Side

Name Short Description Downloadable Versions Documentation Implemented OGC-Standard
deegree Web Map Service (WMS) On-demand rendering of maps based on standardized styling rules (SLD) ZIP (48 MB) | MD5 PDF | go to HTML docs WMS 1.1.1
deegree Web Feature Service (WFS) Customisable access to vector data and complex schema mappings ZIP (22 MB) | MD5 PDF | go to HTML docs WFS 1.1
deegree Web Coverage Service (WCS) Efficient Access to raster data ZIP (45 MB) | MD5 PDF | go to HTML docsWCS 1.0
deegree Catalogue Service (CSW) Organizing your spatial meta information standard-based ZIP (15 MB) | MD5 PDF | go to HTML docs CSW 2.0.0

deegree 2 Clients

Name Short Description Downloadable Versions Documentation
deegree iGeoPortal (standard edition) Browserbased Client, handling WMS, WFS and Proxy Service ZIP (8 MB) | MD5 PDF (1 MB) | HTML as ZIP
deeJUMP Desktop Client, handling WMS, WFS ZIP (17 MB) | MD5 -